What is a Basic Income? 

A Basic Income would ensure all people have enough money to meet the necessities of life, including food, clothing, shelter, and other resources that facilitate social engagement, such as access to travel and a means of communication. 

Why do we need a Basic Income?

1. Employment is becoming increasingly precarious. Full-time, permanent employment opportunities are declining. A Basic Income would provide a much-needed safety net when a person is between jobs. A Basic Income would value and support all work: entrepreneurial endeavours, creative activities, caring for family and friends, volunteering, etc... 

2. Rural communities are suffering. Work is hard to find and infrastructure is crumbling. A Basic Income would infuse much need revenue into these communities. 

3. Income disparity is at an all time high and growing. A small number of people control the great majority of wealth while many others suffer.

What can a Basic Income do for Society around me?


1.    Evidence suggests that a basic income guarantee could make a great difference in improving standards of living and health outcomes. 


a.     The Canadian Medical Association passed a motion in support of basic income in 2015. 

b.    Income inequality is associated with the premature death of 40,000 Canadians a year.

c.     Unconditional cash payments tend to lead to improved mental health in communities. 

d.    Countries with higher rates of income inequality have correspondingly higher levels of health and social problems across all income levels, including lower life expectancy, math and literacy scores, and trust, and higher levels of obesity, mental illness, and violence. 


2.    Poverty: The need for a well-designed basic income is greater than ever. It can: 


a.     quickly and directly end poverty’s universally-defining characteristic--lack of income;

b.     provide a foundation for managing life’s complexity;

c.     reduce the individual and societal impact of poverty’s causes and consequences;  

d.    improve equality and security. 


3. New Economy:


    1. Basic income gives people in precarious positions an unbroken, guaranteed income to help them over between periods of unemployment.

    2. Basic income provides some economic security, but most people will still want to do paid work to earn a higher income and use their skills and talents.

    3. Part-time positions accounted for 89% of job creation in Canada between October 2015 and October 2016.


4.    The Business Case:


a.    A basic income would ensure more people have more money to spend. More money to spend in the hands of people who will actually spend it 

b.    Great for businesses like retail and service providers 

c.    Basic income supports creative work and inspires entrepreneurial activity 


Is a Basic Income all we need?

Absolutely not! A Basic Income must be part of a comprehensive social safety net.


Is a Basic Income affordable in Canada?

Yes, but Provinces and Territories cannot do it alone. The Parliamentary Budget Office has costed a Basic Income. Studies using this estimate have shown that a Basic Income in Canada can be funded in a revenue neutral way through reallocation of selected federal tax credits, making the system more equitable and transferring benefits to those most in need.



Selected references and resources:

Basic Income Guarantee Nova Scotia (BIG-NS),

Basic Income Canada Network,

Forget, E. (2018). Basic Income for Canadians: The key to a healthier, happier, more secure life for all. Toronto, ON: James Lorimer & Co.

Standing, G. (2017). A Basic Income: How we can make it happen. Pelican Books.

Stevens, H., & Simpson, W. (2017) Toward a National Universal Guaranteed Basic Income, Canadian Public Policy, Volume 43, Issue 2, 120-139.





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