CBC Podcast

March 3, 2024

Trish Altass: Basic income guarantee seems like a good idea, so why hasn't it happened?

Canadian Association for Business Economics Webinar

January 16, 2024

Dr. Herb Emery: A proposal for a guaranteed basic income benefit in PEI

Basic Income Summit Videos

November 2022

How the future of work is not “Jobs” | Rudy Karsan | TEDxCalgary

…our number 1 risk is the lack of meaningful work…

…jobs are being decimated…

See Rudy Karsan’s talk at:

Zoom recording of a panel presentation on Basic Income and Covid-19:

Advocates for a Basic Income in Nova Scotia discussed what it is, how it can help in the Covid-19 era, the transformative power of a UBI in terms of individual and community health and well-being, how governments can pay for UBI and how we can all take action to achieve it.

This event was co-hosted by Transition Wolfville Area, Extinction Rebellion Nova Scotia and Basic Income Nova Scotia.

Videos from our 2019 Conference:

The Evidence Speaks

The Evidence Speaks—-Panel Discussion from the 2019 Conference

Basic Income: Students’ perspectives on Why we need a Basic Income