Since 2015 we have been educating and advocating about the concept of basic income guarantee for Nova Scotians and all Canadians. As part of this work, we meet with politicians on all levels of government to inform policy makers about Basic Income.

In our short history, together with our Coalition Canada Basic Income-revenu de base and our Basic Income NOW Atlantic Canada colleagues, we have met with Mayors, councilors, MLAs, MPs, and Senators.

We have worked with many mayors and municipal councilors, encouraging them to raise their voices in support of a national BIG.

We have met with Federal MPs of all parties and Senators. These meetings have provided our politicians with a clearer understanding of Basic Income and provided opportunities for collaboration. We have supported the Bills introduced in the House by MPs Leah Gazan and Julie Dzerowicz and in the Senate by Senator Kim Pate to create a national basic income guarantee program.


To advocate for a Basic Income in Nova Scotia, we have met with many Nova Scotian MLAs from all parties. We are currently seeking to have the government create an all-party committee to study a basic income and how it might be implemented in NS.