COVID-19 Letter
We urge you to cut and paste the letter below, change to your satisfaction, and send in an e-mail to your Member of Parliament and/or to your Representative in The Senate. The more your representative will hear about a Basic Income, the more Basic Income will become a political agenda item. We do recognize that our governments are busy dealing with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, but a solution to the economical and financial challenges that we now face can be provided by a Basic Income. Just like good Health Strategies, we should also have good Economical and Financial Strategies, which should leave no-one behind.
Dear X,
As a basic income proponent in x community, I want to thank you for the hard work you and your colleagues in Parliament (or the provincial legislature, city council etc) are undertaking to address the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the non-partisan, multi-jurisdictional nature of your work. It inspires hope as we weather this pandemic and face a changing future.
The actions taken to support Canadians during this crisis, such as extending EI benefits to cover more people, expanding the Canada Child Benefit, and, in particular, providing a Canadian Emergency Care Benefit of $2000 per month through the Canadian Revenue Agency, have helped tremendously. These supports are consistent with a Basic Income. But a true Basic Income would not target specific groups, or insist on qualifying conditions being met, but would provide a safety net for all individuals.
Imagine if a Basic Income had existed before this crisis began. Many critical supports would have already been available and accessible, reducing the physical and emotional costs of changing life circumstances. All would be protected from poverty.
I urge you to build on the good work governments have begun during this pandemic and help institute a permanent Basic Income. A Basic Income will help us better manage future challenges that will surely arise. A Basic Income will help transition us to a greener economy and less polluted environment by providing a floor for those whose jobs are inevitably lost. A Basic Income will be in place when other pandemics inevitably arise. A Basic Income will help keep Canadians healthy and stimulate our economy.
Sincerely, X